Booleans & Conditionals


October 21, 2021

What is indentation?

Indentation refers to the placement of text farther to the right (or left), to separate it from it’s surrounding text.

Consider these two lines

This is a normal line
    This line is indented.
        This line has double indentation

Python is a programing language that is indentation aware.

This means that the indentation of each line has a specific meaning.

We use indentation to signal when a piece of code is inside another.

If you insert a random space before a line of code in Python, you will get an error

# This will throw an error ⚠️
x = 10
 y = 20

# This will run fine 👍🏼
x = 10
y = 20

What are if statements?

‘if’ statements provide a way to run a portion of code only if a specific condition is met.

    # This indented part will only run
    # if the condition is met

Conditions will always answer YES or NO questions. For example:

Is x smaller than 3?

x = 5
if(x < 3):
    print("X is smaller than 3")

Is x equals to 5?

x = 5
if(x == 5):
    print("X is equals to 5")

Comparisson operators

Operator Name Example
== Equals (a == b)
!= Not Equals (a != b)
> Bigger than (a > b)
< Smaller than (a < b)
>= Bigger or equals (a >= b)
<= Smaller or equals (a <= b)

you can also specify a section of code that will run if the condition is not met, using the else keyword:

x = 5
if (x < 3):
    print("X is smaller than 3")
    print("X is NOT smaller than 3")

concatenating several conditions is possible using the and/or keywords

x = 2
y = 2
if(x < 3 and y < 4):
    print("BOTH of the conditions have been met")
if(x < 3 or y < 4):
    print("ANY of the conditions have been met")

and create even more complex conditions by concatenating them using parenthesis ():

if( (x < 3 and y < 4) or (x > 6 and y > 9) ):
    print("This part will only run if:")
    print("X is smaller than 3 and Y smaller than 4")
    print("X is bigger than 6 and Y is bigger than 9")

The result of a condition is always a boolean bool, so you can save it in a variable too.

first = (x< 3 and y < 4)
second = (x > 6 and y > 9)

if(first or second):
    print("The result will be the same
           as the previous example")

This will greatly simplify your code and make it more readable.

you can get the oposite of value of a given condition (or boolean) with the not() keyword.

x = 2
first = x < 5
# First = True
oppositeOfFirst = not(first)
# oppositeOfFirst = False

Finally, you can chain conditions together using the elif keyword (short for else if):

x = 4
if (x < 4):
    print("Will print if X smaller than 4")
elif (x > 8):
    print("Will print if X is bigger than 8")
    print("IF the previous conditions = false")
    print("Will print if none of the")
    print("previous conditions were true")
    print("so x >= 4 and x <= 8")

When you chain conditions using if -> elif -> else, only ONE of those code blocks will run.

If several conditions are met, the first one will have preference.

if statements can also be nested (notice the indentation):

if (x < 4):
    if(x < 1):
        print("Smaller than 1")
        print("Between 1 and 3")
    print("Bigger or equals to 4")


Generic resources

  1. Generic python
  2. Codility Code Challenges
  3. Rhino Developer Docs
  4. RhinoCommon API
  5. Python for Non-Programmers

Rhino/GH resources